Create your own PHP extension step by step


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Good tutorial, showed some good examples and brief hands on experience with what it takes to write a quick core function, I can see this being very handy in future endeavours

Nice bootstrap into extension writing, motivated to dig deeper. Thanks!

Excellent walkthrough. Never thought I would be compiling and running my own PHP module within 20 mins! I thought the pace and content was excellent for an introduction.

great first look into compiling PHP and creating an extension, even picked some c along the way

Great into in how to create an extension for PHP (event though my C skills are pretty much non existant)

Practicals made it lots of fun with tons of help From Patrick, Derick and Anthony for the noobs (me) in the room.

Also provided details on useful ways to interrogate the PHP source to learn more about PHP as well as ways to create extensions.

Wish it could have been a full day tutorial as it felt like there was a lot more to learn