Test legacy apps with Behat


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Attended with no real previous knowledge of testing or systems, this was a good introduction to the concept as well as explaining how to include variables and adapting tests to fit your code (instead of the other way round).

Good: even though this was my first interaction with Behat I have feeling, that I know enough about concepts to be able to write some tests on my own.
Bad: I have no clue how to set up Behat. First part in tutorial should have been "Learn to configure/install behat". I did not learn that. I would have preferred that you would demonstrate live how to do that. Booting up vagrant box will not be the option in real life :)
In total - it was good. Would have given 5 points if not missing install/setup part.

Good talk, informative and a good introduction to using Behat for testing

Thanks for the feedback.
This was my first tutorial and I'm really pleased it went fairly smooth.

@Endijs I have updated my slides and added a section with more details on the installation. Hope it helps :)

Anonymous at 16:24 on 12 Oct 2015

Fantastic tutorial which gave a real insight to how this would be beneficial for myself and also for my employer. It scratches the surface of behat but shows the power and benefits behind utilisation.

Wished I'd had vagrant installed and setup ready for the tutorial though as downloading and installing caused all sorts of problems