The developer’s brain works hard. Billions of neurons hyperwire to enable the coder to think multidimensionally for hours a day, under complex deadlines, day after day. An understanding of what keeps the brain/mind fresh makes for a more fulfilling and productive career. This interactive session gives participants an overview of neuropsychology for the coding mind, and presents them with a go-to tool for keeping their workplace brain-state healthy, calm and balanced.

Arabella is a workplace and civil mediator, specialising in conflict prevention and mental health. She is an associate trainer to the charity Mind, leading on corporate workplace wellbeing training for the Bath region, and she's also a certified Mental Health First Aider. Most of her family members seem to be developers now, and she works from the heart of the tech world in Bath, at the Guild Co-Working Hub. Following a diagnosis of autism in her thirties, she set about hacking her mind to establish better mental health for herself, and now shares her learning with others. Find out more at


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Rob Wilson at 19:49 on 14 Aug 2019

Great talk from Arabella. Definitely gets you thinking, and I can see myself in alot of the videos shown. A friend of mine burnt themself out, and tool awhile to recognise this...

.... So In addition to the great talk, it would be great to possibly have some people talk in person about things (so questions can be asked of them, and you can empathize more with someone in person), but logistically this cannot always happen. Again thank you for a great talk

Ankit Raturi at 20:11 on 14 Aug 2019

Arabella talk was really helfull. Had a chance to relax mind body and learnt how to have a mindful head working along with complex work.

Nigel Jewell at 21:50 on 14 Aug 2019

Arabella touched on some really interesting areas, gave details of some really good resources and touched on her own personal journey in this space. It was great to hear a different perspective on a subject that I've had some involvement in before.

The main feedback I'd give is that the talk felt a little unstructured. There was no real "what is mindfulness" and the topics jumped around a little. I suspect that this is because she may have pulled together materials from a number of different talks. I also felt that the connection to software development was a little nebulous.

Huge respect to Arabella for bringing this important subject to an event such as this. I hope that everyone took something positive away from the exercises. She's clearly very passionate about the subject.

Nathaniel at 22:11 on 14 Aug 2019

Inspirational story and interesting talk from Arabella who is clearly passionate about mindfulness practice.

Mark S at 09:13 on 15 Aug 2019

Yes great talk by Arabella. It's sad that so many people have problems with mental health. I'll definitely be trying to find more quiet time in my life after this.

Alex C at 11:18 on 15 Aug 2019

That was a good talk from Arabella and mindfulness should be more in our lifes