Untangling the dependency spaghetti, you can do it


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Mike Oram at 21:08 on 13 Nov 2019

Great topic that is rarely covered and not really taught or talked about enough. Really helpful info and perfect for a lightening talk. Some good life experience advice that will be really beneficial to people new to sem-ver.

James Taylor at 21:10 on 13 Nov 2019

You have a tilda add a hat.

Alex Day at 22:28 on 13 Nov 2019

Fascinating talk about version codes, a topic I'd never thought about before and now have been given a great insight into! Fun and relaxed delivery with great memorable moments.

Sam R. at 23:17 on 13 Nov 2019

A reasonably difficult topic to communicate succinctly in 10 minutes, but it was done really well with a fantastic light hearted finale!

Certainly one of those things that comes under the "I wish I knew when I started" umbrella.

Interestingly, my solution to a similar problem with dependencies as in the example was to update PHP to 7.2!

Roussetos at 08:38 on 14 Nov 2019

Really nice talk with those bit of extra detail that people will usually miss.

Well served slides, nice graphics and nice real life example!

Great delivery and if I had one point, it would be to reference directly to composer's website on how to set the version restrictions and SemVer's website for general reference on Semantic versioning.

Nice one!

It's committed to memory now, thank you!