Is TDD dead? A cheeky guide to phpspec


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Spoke a little quiet for the big room size! A good overview of what phpspec can do, but didn't really sell it for me still. One of the biggest advantages portrayed was the code generation, but that does not seem very useful for me. Another advantage was using Prophecy, but I think you mentioned this is baked into phpunit now... so I was left still thinking "why should I use phpspec?" :( Otherwise a good talk, good code examples that helped (although a couple did take a bit of grokking, and it was flicked around quite a lot)

Enjoyed the talk, but was hoping for a bit more than an intro to PhpSpec. Specifically, may show an actual real world example once some complexity is factored in, and also may show how TDD was effective or ineffective in leading the implementation.

Good introduction to phpspec. I couldn't see any benefits in using it over phpunit especially when phpspec was mentioned to not be good at functional/integration tests. You would need to use phpunit/behat anyway. The code generation alone wouldn't make me want to use it.

The talk itself was good with lots of small examples. Would've liked to hear more about the benefits or lack of in TDD

A good insight of how to begin with phpspec. Visualising it as the tool to bridge the BDD and TDD processes was a nice touch.

Would have been interesting to hear any limitations you have found with phpspec when compared to phpunit in real world scenarios, as opposed to mainly positives that were talked about.

Concise code examples were good and descriptive of the basic functionality.
A couple of typos in the examples could be easily squashed, but nothing too major.

I enjoyed the talk, and would be interested in hearing your thoughts on other subjects at future events.

A great introduction to PhpSpec, but I didn't come away understanding why I would use it over the alternatives.