We often hear about security and accessibility. But we rarely hear how these two mission-critical topics interact. This talk explores several areas where web accessibility and security interact, and how to preserve both elements so that sites are secure but usable by everyone.

We don’t set out to create barriers, but some policies or code can have unintended consequences. Security can create barriers to access for users, with or without disabilities. However, security doesn’t have to reduce accessibility!

Does your application use CAPTCHA or session timeouts? Does it validate data, or get users to confirm entered data before transactions? Is there data loss after re-authenticating? If you answered yes to any of these, this session’s for you.

We will begin with a brief overview of the business case for accessibility. We will then explore the main security features impacting accessibility. Relevant W3C accessibility guidelines and techniques will also be investigated. Finally, a list of online resources will be provided.


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Excellent presentation, for me the best of the entire conference.

Clark Everetts at 16:15 on 1 Jun 2018

Good overview of the interplay between security and accessibility, and expanding the perspective of those who don't deal with physical (and even non-physical) challenges. There was plenty of time for the speaker to entertain questions in a meaningful way, leading to good discussion after the talk material ended. Continue leaving in this buffer for discussion/question time.