Everything is an API these days. Unlike web interfaces, APIs can't be tested manually, by hand. There is no other option than to write automated tests. Codeception provides the best set of tools to test REST effectively. Come to this tutorial to learn how to make stable APIs with tests.

In this session we will cover:
* using REST module with PhpBrowser or a framework of choice
* testing data structures with JSONPath and JSONType
* authentication in tests
* managing test data
* extending Codeception to validate responses with JSONSchema or Swagger


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The workshop was fast-paced, but I loved the challenge of working to keep up, and with the hands-on learning, I left knowing much more than I came in with. Michael was a highly knowledgable expert! Thanks, Michael! The two main challenges seemed to be: folks didn't come in with codeception installed and ready to run; also, that the conference internet was extremely slow -- and so people were waiting for codeception to download.