Being a consultant sounds amazing - set your own hours, choose your own projects, work where ever you want! Is this fairy tale dream true? Well, sort of. While consulting does have its perks, there is a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes to make it a success. Learn what goes in to running a successful consulting business and how to decide what to charge.


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Eric Mann at 12:34 on 24 Apr 2024

I've dabbled in consulting before but it's always been a daunting endeavor. Attending this talk and hearing someone who's been far more successful in the field explain the details (that I neglected to even realize existed) makes me want to give it another go.

Joanna Kus at 14:14 on 25 Apr 2024

I attended this talk more out of curiosity to keep up on what's out there in terms of careers, and it was pretty informative. Enjoyed all the information on everything involved in running your own business.

hunter yeago at 14:41 on 25 Apr 2024

I'm interested in building SaaS applications and hoped that it would also apply in my case - and it definitely did! Definitely helped me to feel more confident in having a nice overview of all of the parts that goes into running your own operation.