Many professions have strict requirements for behavior and decision-making, like doctors, lawyers, and journalists. The codes they follow outline best practices and establish boundaries for what is considered appropriate or inappropriate. The codes are designed to not only protect the professional performing the work or activity, but also anyone else who may directly or inadvertently be involved. The tech field lacks such a code, but the impact of our actions reaches worldwide. Just what are the ramifications of what we do and what protections should be in place?


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John Boctor at 11:59 on 25 Apr 2024

Appreciated the insight and examples of ethics in the development community. Made me more aware of the responsibilities that fall upon us to keep people's data safe.

Ben Ramsey at 13:08 on 26 Apr 2024

Great delivery. I really enjoyed the open discussion aspect of this talk, especially as we walked through the examples presented and had to think through the ethical implications as a group. I think these are great questions we can ask ourselves as we build software.

I really enjoyed the audience participation in this talk. It left me with a better understanding of how circumstances affect perspective when it comes to ethics, and how important it is to engage ethically when dealing with data collection.