Every decision we make in our projects has the potential to increase or reduce technical debt. While the only way to completely eliminate the debt is to never write any code, there are steps that we as engineers, project managers, and project stakeholders can take to mitigate our risk.

This talk covers the concept of technical debt, its potential to devastate projects, and red flags that project teams can look for to reduce its impact before it spirals out of control.


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Dave Stokes at 11:11 on 25 Apr 2024

Lots of good information

Eric Mann at 11:56 on 25 Apr 2024

As someone who has to repeatedly explain technical debt to business stakeholders, walking through a session dedicated to not just the explanation but also ways to buy down that debt was incredibly helpful. There's always a need to compromise on delivering, but understanding the ways we can mitigate the risk of debt - and prevent the risk of future breaking changes - is critical for any project, developer, or contributor.

Dana Luther at 11:56 on 25 Apr 2024

Excellent presentation! Everything was very clearly presented and engaging. I loved the breadth of what was covered.

Jack Naughton at 14:42 on 25 Apr 2024

Gunna get these slides tattooed with how often I need to talk about this.
But actually this is a great presentation that has some hard to swallow pills, like setting target states that are measurable.
As much as we as developers want to just have management "trust me bro", we need to work together to optimize the Company as well as its codebase.

One of the most relevant talks for me, and gave lots of good knowledge that was easy to understand.

Lots of good information. A lot of what was covered is very prevalent to what my current project and goals.

john barclay at 20:26 on 25 Apr 2024

Much of the talk was simply an overview of PHP best practices that weren't specific to technical debt and alot of mild humor. I only made it 25 minutes before realizing I it was a different topic...so maybe it could have come around in the end. It may have been a good talk but was way off the "the concept of technical debt, its potential to devastate projects, and red flags that project teams can look for to reduce its impact before it spirals out of control."

Lots of potential as the speaker was knowledgeable, organized, and a clear, direct speaker.