In this workshop we'll cover different ways to test your PHP code. Our focus will be the tools and writing tests - we won't get caught up in all the testing dogma. Instead, we'll create a foundation in tools like PHPUnit, Mockery, and Codeception so you can make the decisions about what testing tools and strategies work best for you and your code. So if you're looking to start testing your PHP code, or learn other PHP testing tools, this workshop is for you.


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K. S. at 12:14 on 15 Nov 2018

At a high level, the talk is great. The speaker is very knowledgeable about the unit testing framework, and was very engaging in the subject matter.

With respect to PHPUnit, there was a lot of encouragement of testing bad practices:

1. Single tests that handled multiple responsibilities; i.e., testIsEmpty() testing both empty and non-empty states.
2. Duplicating previous, unrelated tests, in new tests; i.e., testing contains when testing removing items.
3. Inconsistent message about whether to have shared SUT objects versus isolated SUT objects; creating new collection in remove while add and contains use global SUT.

While I appreciate his intentions were to simplify the idea of unit testing, keeping a consistent usage and using good practices wouldn't add much (if any) additional complexities.

That being said, the speaker did ensure to make it a point that each developer would need to assess their own needs for how to set up and execute their tests -- in other words, he made sure not to come across as his way was the only way to do something. I also appreciated his encouragement of audience participation.

Overall, the talk was worth attending and I am walking away a better developer for it.

Cory Jackson at 16:27 on 15 Nov 2018

Great workshop showing off the basics of testing. Time constraints put a small wrench in the presentation, so we had to ditch Codeception, but I was mainly interested in PHPUnit anyways. My only other complaint is that it would have been nice to know up front to download the code repo and have it set up, but that wasn't too bad and I was able to follow along (I had a setup in place to drop in nicely). I know of others who had issues following along due to issues with getting the pre-req setup.

I walked away having more of an understanding of what is required to set up some basic tests and I have a good starting point for when I return to work.

Excellent talk. I really liked how the talk was designed to be interactive. I like that the class focused on practical tools and stayed away from too much theory, as that's exactly what I was hoping for. He did mention competing viewpoints a few times to let people know the areas to research if they were interested, which I also found helpful.

I took a few things away from this talk that I can apply to my dev process immediately, which I'm very excited about.

Wonderful talk! Hands on either the material. I have gained more insight into how to test in PHP.

Adelle Frank at 13:05 on 26 Nov 2018

I really enjoyed the interactive and hands-on nature of the presentation. As someone just beginning their journey towards testing, I would have liked even more simplification. Speaker is very engaging and encouraged friendly & active participation by attendees.