Heard a lot about docker but not sure where to start? Frustrated maintaining development VMs? In this presentation we will go over the simplest ways to convert your development environment over to a docker stack, including support for full acceptance testing with Selenium. We’ll then go over how to modify the stack to mimic your production/pre-production environment(s) as closely as possible, and demystify working with the containers in the stack.


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Mark Maher at 14:19 on 24 Oct 2019

Very helpful! Dana kept things fun and interesting while explaining everything thoroughly.

Tim Gallagher at 21:49 on 24 Oct 2019

While I did not catch this presentation, I followed up with Dana at the after party. She was gracious enough to give me the 10 minute version along with and engaging discussion about migrating to docker.
Thanks Dana!

Nathan Pelton at 22:37 on 24 Oct 2019

Thanks for showing us how to use docker swarm. Your style of relaying the information worked very well.