Coding in practice is a perpetual learning experience. The ongoing necessity of tackling new languages, frameworks, legacy codebases, etc. can be daunting. Immanuel Kant outlined some thought tools for making sense of and eventually conquering vast intellectual territory. I have found the application of these insights enormously helpful over many years and countless tricky knowledge bases. This talk will aim to pass along those tools and techniques, and make the first steps of your future challenges less intimidating.


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Cecili Reid at 19:30 on 24 Oct 2019

This talk showed how Philosophy and Kant could be relevant to our industry and how we approach interactions with each other and learning new things. This was a take I never even considered! I really enjoyed the sense of humor and pieces of making a high level abstract concept more concrete by using concepts familiar to developers (i.e. style vs. syntax). My only critique is that there was so much content to cover that the key take aways were drowned out by the many quotes of Kant. If the talk were given again, I would suggest paring down the content to maybe 5-10 key things to drive home and dive deeper into those rather than covering the breadth of the things Kant had to say. Besides that, I thought the topic was refreshing and interesting because I never thought programming and philosophy could go hand in hand. I hope there are similar kind of talks in the future.

J Graham at 12:11 on 27 Oct 2019

I liked the idea of this session, but it could be lighter on philosophy and heavier on technical content. I agree with Cecili that paring down significantly would help. However, I do appreciate that she took the audience seriously and believed --I'm assuming-- they could keep up with the content regardless of their background in philosophy.

Sean Prunka at 11:34 on 28 Oct 2019

I really enjoyed seeing the many parallels between philosophy and coding. This talk gave me the tools to see where I was already thinking critically and to be more mindful to actively apply that process more often.

I loved the concept of the talk, but after about 20 minutes or so, I just felt overwhelmed. Part of that could have been the timing of the talk, which was later in the day, and my brain wasn't firing on all cylinders. I don't think I really grasped an overarching thesis of the talk, and therefor during the talk wasn't really sure what it was building towards.