It Was Like That When I Got Here: Steps Toward Modernizing a Legacy Codebase


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I have always appreciated how Paul explains without reading off his slides.

Nice step-through and guided steps on improving existing codebases with recommendations on specific weird/heavy cases. Paul is very knowledgeable of the process of this cleanup and the common pitfalls and shortcuts that developers look for and why they should be avoided.

practical and to the point

Really good information. Great info for anyone who works with a legacy application.

For me a lot was review, which is still good. The last part was best with the what's next list. Enjoyed the talk and thought it was entertaining.

Anonymous at 16:27 on 12 Nov 2014

Paul was an engaging speaker and did a great job sharing lots of useful information. Although I've already had the pleasure of trying to update legacy code, Paul has given me much better insight into the process.

Nice presentation where I could relate to the legacy programming. Although I'm not that bad, I do get lazy and do some legacy coding for some of small projects.

Anonymous at 19:08 on 13 Nov 2014

Great tips about moving an aging code base forward, with lots of concrete examples and step-by-step plans. Looking forward to many more talks by this presenter.

Excellent content, and presented very professionally. Highly recommend any presentation by Paul. Everyone in the room had experienced in the past or on current projects exactly what Paul was going through, and his recommendations for how to deal with it are great.

Entertainingly good examples, easy to understand and follow, useful takeaways.