Zend Expressive Middleware Microframework Workshop


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This was an excellent workshop to jump-start someone new to Zend Expressive. Through some practical exercises of writing Actions and chaining Middleware, it provides a nice compass when a developer begins his first Zend Expressive project.

Ian Littman at 16:55 on 18 Sep 2016

Solid introductory talk for Expressive; I attended the workshop to understand what differentiates Expressive from Slim 3, which does something pretty similar, and got what I came for.

There were quite a few technical issues, in part due to an attempt at enforcing environment commonality via a VM that included a GUI. The GUI made things heavy and generally precluded folks from easily using the editor of their choice that was already installed. Personally, for that tutorial, requiring folks to have PHP installed *somewhere *optionally on a VM and using php -S for serving the project would probably be more consistent/quicker to set up. That's actually what I ended up dong during the workshop.

Also looks like httpie will get used next time rather than Postman as the test HTTP client. While I love Postman to death, this sounds like a great idea :)

I think that, with cleaned-up technical prerequisites, the next iteration of this talk will be a solid choice for anyone wanting to get a read on what Expressive is all about...provided it's updated with the pragm...er...programmatic way of handling middlewares, which appears to be the way things are going in the framework anyway.