Event-based architectures such as Event Sourcing provide multiple benefits: scalability, complexity management, auditing, etc. However, let’s face it, getting there is quite hard. We lack skills, expertise and courage.
In this talk, I’m going to show you some tips and tricks to painless evolve your current architecture towards Event Sourcing, one small step at a time. We’ll start from an Hexagonal Architecture application and we’ll end up in the Event Sourcing doors. Marco Pivetta will do the rest in his talk about Event Sourcing next day.
The path that we’ll follow is:

- Hexagonal Architecture
- Hexagonal Architecture with Domain Events
- Stepping Stone Architecture (CQRS without Event Sourcing)
- Event Sourcing


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Jorge Castro at 20:56 on 8 Oct 2017

Amena, útil y divertida

That was by far the best talk of event, explained in a clear and precise way how developers could move from a monolithic-spaghetti application to a better code.

One of the best talk, this and the CQRS one.

Théo FIDRY at 14:23 on 11 Oct 2017

A really good talk. The story line was really well constructed as well. The only part that could be improved a bit IMO is that sometimes the speech was too fast going at "Spanish rhythm". I managed to understand most of it as I'm lucky to be fluent enough in English, but that may be harder for non Spanish and non English native speakers.