M3.06 - Is Your Staff Ready for a Multicultural World? - Panel Session


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Very thought provoking and funny too!

Stokes - 5
Pearson - 5
Montgomery - 5

Engaging and useful information. Would have been nmice to have a presenter from a registrar's office instead of all admissions.

Pearson - 4
Montgomery - 5
Stokes - 4

Fantastic! Very honest in answering questionsk fun but informative.

Good would have enjoyed more solutions for training existing staff to be more multicultural-mided. If you do not have the high staff turnover and you have an office of elderly women, you may not have an opportunity to hire new staff until someone retires (4 more years!)

Joe Montgomery - 4
Jackie Pearson - 4
Eric Stokes - 4

These guys are great presenters and the session was well done and informtive. I would suggest it for a session next year.

Joe Montgomery - 5
Jackie Pearson - 5
Eric Stokes - 5

The presentation included good information. The speaker did a good job engaging audience.

Joe Montgomery - 5
Jackie Pearson - 4
Eric Stokes - 4


\Joe Montgomery - 5
Jackie Pearson - 5
Eric Stokes - 5

PP notesheet was nice to have - not given to PP - just eased thru it and kept the format loose and interactive.

Joe Montgomery - 5
Jackie Pearson - 3
Eric Stokes - 3

Very good insights and ways to raise awareness.

Joe Montgomery - 5
Jackie Pearson - 5
Eric Stokes - 5

Joe Montgomery - 5
Jackie Pearson - 5
Eric Stokes - 5

Great program. Honest and authentic
Gave me some good ideas to implement.

Joe Montgomery - 5
Jackie Pearson - 5
Eric Stokes - 5


Joe Montgomery - 5
Jackie Pearson - 5
Eric Stokes - 5

Joe Montgomery - 4
Jackie Pearson - 4
Eric Stokes - 4

Joe Montgomery - 5
Jackie Pearson - 4
Eric Stokes - 4

I thought that the session was very good. However, I think that having other ethnicity presenters would have been a plus.

Joe Montgomery - 4
Jackie Pearson - 4
Eric Stokes - 3

Made great points. Well organized.

Joe Montgomery - 5
Jackie Pearson - 5
Eric Stokes - 5

Joe Montgomery - 5
Jackie Pearson - 5
Eric Stokes - 5