M3.04 - Enrollment Management and Privatization of Public Higher Education


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Excellent presentation and exceptional audience involvement.

Overall 8 Fives, 4 Fours

Excellent presentation, excellent discussions

Very good presentation - informative and enjoying

excellent session, interesting topic , good change from the normal session choices as this is a current issue in higher education. well done. thanks.

Very interesting concepts. could use a longer session to discuss these issues.

Beneficial. Good Discussion

Good interaction/involvement. good informative topic, timely, good for next year too!

Good interaction/involvement. good informative topic, timely, good for next year too!

good session, good approach, but could have helped group conversations more in getting started.

I work in the UK, which is undergoing large financial support changes, which look a lot like privatization to me, but the government wont agree. it was useful to see the dual public and private system in action.

Great topic, information, and conversation. Wish there had been more time.