M5.03 - Delegation Celebration: How to Delegate Responsibility to Empower Teams


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Good presentation with helpful information and examples

Love this presentation. Great examples and motivational.

Excellent presentation. Fun and well done!
Practical too! Thanks.

Wonderful presentation. Delightful speaker!

Very well prepared and presented on a very popular topic. Lots of interest in the topic. Presenter was energetic and engaging.she really Held the attention of the participants.

21 fives, 6 fours, 1 unrated

Very great session and energetic presenter

wireless microphones and ppt clickers are needed in all sessions.

Best information of the day

Good practical advice

Good specific tips and examples

Awesome, can't wait to start delegating

Wonderful, I appreciate your attitude

Wonderful presentation, Good persona and information. Excellent!

Wonderful session and should be repeated. Very practical information was given

Very practical information for me as a new leader/supervisor

Very enthusiastic, captivating speaker

Absolutely wonderful presentation. Charlotte is so knowledgeable and personable. Best yet - inspiring. Loved this session.

Good ideas to take back to my department.

Great presentation, she was very upbeat throughout the whole session. Great examples and ideas,

Charlotte did a great job. I would like to see this session at SACRAO again.

Wonderful job! Thank you!

Presenter was excellent

Ms. Dudley was very knowledgeable and had great information. Thank you.

Excellent presentation--very engaging and energetic! Useful info.

Wonderful presentation! Great energy from the presenter and useful information regarding delegation.

Enjoyed very much. Great presenters. Very informative.