T2.05 - New Leader Transition in the Registrar's Office


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A lot of info but came away with tips and resources for new leader transitions.

Loved this session. Very helpful with lots of ideas and tips.

Lots of well presented information. Several tools taken from the presentation for our local site.


good mix of theory and specifics

nice presentation, maybe a bit too fast.

please email powerpoint to [email protected]

gave me great ideas to take back to the institution

great job! thank you! very helpful!

good info. engaging speakers

Good session. Clear and detailed guidelines that are useful not only for a major reorganization, but for regularly helping new managers in a registrar's office.

Good presentation. Lots of helpful suggestions for new leaders to assess the current environment.

Good presentation with helpful tips for new leadership in the workplace.

Good presentation with helpful tips for new leadership in the workplace.