The Stateful ElePHPant


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Jeroen v.d. Gulik at 01:51 on 30 Oct 2016

Best LIVE demo ever

Harro Verton at 22:58 on 31 Oct 2016

Brillant way of approaching the topic, and having a live demo that actually worked. ;-)

It did however remind me very much of a workflow engine I wrote over a decade ago, so for me it wasn't really clear why this choice of topic.

Great delivery.

On the other hand, while I understood the general principle of the talk, it wasn't always easy to follow how each piece of new code affected the overall structure. This was particularly towards the end of the demo, where the changes came thick and fast.

Kevin Nagurski at 14:53 on 1 Nov 2016

I thoroughly enjoyed Rick's talk. It was entertaining and insightful. I can immediately see the utility of the patterns discussed. It's refreshing seeing a speaker live code; yes mistakes were made, but he recovered quickly and going from empty file to working class in minutes is more convincing than reviewing prewritten code. It would've been interesting to live-debug/trace a request to see how it all knits together.

Michiel Rook at 08:39 on 2 Nov 2016

Interesting topic and a live demo! Very good delivery & pace, engaging speaker. Definitely one of the best talks at ScotlandPHP!