One of the core values of our meetup group is that we are open to any other PHP community out there. We welcome talks and speakers of not only framework agnostic PHP, but people working with Magento, Drupal, ... are also welcome.

Wednesday 27th September 2017

OO programming and MVC in Custom WordPress Plugins
Talk by Sebastian Kurzynowski (45 minutes)

WordPress has a very bad reputation within a large part of the PHP community. On the other hand, WordPress has many powerful features you can use for your website or platform.To extend or add functionality, you build your custom plugin. There are many ways to organise your code. We make use of Object Oriented programming and the MVC pattern. Let's bring together the power of WordPress and the advantages of OO and MVC.

Parcify, the evolution from our PHP monolith to event-driven webservices
Talk by Tim Haselaars (45 minutes)

Tells the story how we moved the Parcify platform from a PHP monolith to PHP event-driven web services. Shares our development insights and experiences that came with a rapidly evolving and changing product. How we tried to keep the PHP code stable and scalable while we went from idea to prototype to MVP to platform with challenges like a changing organization, changing product features, changing technology and changing architecture.