When testing the PHP side of a Symfony application, tests are normally split into unit and functional: the former do not need anything in addition to some proficiency, due to their small size and isolated execution; the latter instead are more complex, slower and sometimes more brittle, because they use more components, and they involve the framework and the libraries used to build the app. In this talk, I'll show all the small tools, tips & tricks that I've accumulated over the years writing functional tests on Symfony projects, which have helped me in keeping fast, reliable and maintainable test suites.


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A clear talk with a lot of interesting advice. Thanks!

Good topic, well exposed, and I also like the attention on efficiency of test suites, it's always worth the while!

Angel Rivera at 17:26 on 20 Nov 2020

Very well done. Great insights into concurrency!

Great talk!

Tests speed is critical to the business and for the second time (on my experience) Alessandro Lai gave a great talk on the subject. Thank you.

Very interesting!

A great dive into how to improve Symfony apps test suites :)
Clear and precise, thank you Ale!

Really liked this talk. I guess I need to look a bit more into paraunit ;)