I Can't Believe You Still Do It That Way: A Best Practices Retrospective


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Lots of fun to look back and remember where we've come from as PHP developers. From the old webmonkey procedural tutorials with built-in SQL injection (prevented with addslashes of course) to where we are now. Very good talk and entertaining images.

Anonymous at 10:05 on 17 Jan 2014

A great talk with a lot of perspective and wisdom.

I really enjoyed this talk. Good insight and broadened my perspective. I enjoyed the humor and funny slides though on many funny pictures you flashed them so quickly that I couldn't see/appreciate them

Second time I've seen the talk, and was still entertained. Well done.

Entertaining and informative. Very enjoyable talk.

Very enjoyable, and a good look at how far we've come as a community in the last 13 years.

Very informative to see where we've been and where we should be.