Star Trek, NATO, and kids party games; all of these things have one thing in common, communications. As a developer, learning to properly communicate is second only to learning to code in importance. Many of us however, learn to communicate our ideas long after we learn to code. In this opening talk, we'll discuss four important lessons to learn if you want to be able to properly and efficiently communicate your ideas with others. Come join us for "Apple, Butter, Darmok: A communications primer for developers"


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My favorite point during this talk was that users are the experts in their own spaces, i.e., they're not dumb.

Jeff Garner at 10:24 on 16 Aug 2018

Awesome talk! Communicate w/ empathy!

Ben Chrisman at 14:06 on 16 Aug 2018

Great talk! Very much needed for this day and age.

Excellent talk with great points on empathy, communication - totally inspiring.

A typically great keynote from Cal, though the first quarter of the presentation (particularly the Klingon cold open) seemed to struggle in capturing the audience.

TJ Draper at 17:22 on 16 Aug 2018

Sokath, his eyes uncovered.

Great presentation. My biggest take away is to seek first to understand. Listen to understand not to rebut.

Roger Creasy at 05:59 on 17 Aug 2018

Great talk! Cal's use of stories about his own experiences keeps the talk interesting and focused. My biggest takeaway is the point that we often forget, our users are experts in their area.

Julian Canepa at 13:14 on 17 Aug 2018

Great talk on the power of effective communication & the value of empathy for others. Gave me several take aways about adopting the mindset of the user -- the tech doesn't matter, providing value to the user is the ultimate aim!

Randall at 12:56 on 18 Aug 2018

I could be wrong, and you may have surveyed this ahead of time... but I think in a room full of tech people, a lot of people were already familiar with the Darmok episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. It gave a very slow start. But if you ever tire of developing, maybe there's a place for you in off-Broadway :)

As always, though, you are spot on.

Kenneth White at 08:10 on 20 Aug 2018

I know where you were trying to get with the opening, but that could be condensed. A great message, otherwise.