Applications grow, specs change, bugs happen, and our code can quickly get out of hand. Duplicated code, ifs, elses, switches, and statements like “I used this there, but it needs to be slightly different here”, help turn our work of art into a garbled mess. But what if we could fix that?

That’s where Pipelines come in. We can break out our code into smaller chunks, called stages, that we can group or combine into configurations called pipelines. Separating our code into stages allows for easier and isolated testing. Reassembling stages sequentially into a pipeline allows us to have consistent results.

In this talk, we’ll define what stages and pipelines are. We'll examine when pipelines can help us and when they are not the right solution. We will look at example pipelines ranging from simple to multi-stage reusable pipelines. We'll implement what we've learned by walking through a refactor and discover how testing becomes easier with stages. You will walk away with an understanding of the what the Pipeline pattern is and when it can benefit your application.


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Ben Chrisman at 14:10 on 16 Aug 2018

Very approachable concepts, great explanation of staing/piplines! Can't wait to apply this to my 9-5 projects!

Excellent explanation of what a pipeline is, and when to use it. I definitely am seeing Pipelines Everywhere!

This talk helped my apply a name (and a package) to a pattern I [should] have been using for years. The parallels to Gulp were also painfully obvious once mentioned.

TJ Draper at 17:27 on 16 Aug 2018

I really enjoyed what I was able to catch of this presentation (unfortunately I had an issue on a client site come up I had to take care of real quick and so wasn't able to give my full attention to the topic the whole time :( ). But I'm definitely already thinking about how to implement pipelines everywhere. You know what they say, when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail...

Roger Creasy at 06:06 on 17 Aug 2018

Very good talk! Excellent use of comparison with gulp, great examples, and the move from general and simple to the more complex is great. I definitely will use pipelines, and will likely refactor much code to use them.

Bill Condo at 11:15 on 17 Aug 2018

Great amount of content for the hour time slot, and a nice pace. This was the first time I've seen the "suggested questions" slide at the end (funny and useful!).

Julian Canepa at 13:01 on 17 Aug 2018

Great talk, took me from virtually no knowledge ready to implement. Didn't realize I had already used pipelines in Gulp talk runner.

This was a great talk. I learned something I'm definitely going to be using at work. More people should have a "suggested questions" slide.

Kenneth White at 08:12 on 20 Aug 2018

Very applicable to my day-to-day work. Thanks for you time!

Emily Stamey at 14:22 on 20 Aug 2018

I really appreciated the full view of pipelines explained in this talk. The speaker started out identifying a pipeline on the commandline and explaining what they were. There was a single example of a pipeline he needed in his work, which we worked through, and then there were a couple of other code examples he showed us. I liked the flow of it and felt like I had the information I needed as we moved through the examples. It was great!