Ever struggle getting the other team to understand you? Do you speak ‘techie’ while they speak ‘business’? Stop the language clash and frustrating misunderstandings with one simple technique. Discover how to communicate with ease, get what you want, and be more productive when working in Technology.


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Dana Luther at 10:13 on 10 Feb 2018

I loved the insights into the generational differences and the tips on how to bridge those differences. Combined with the personality trait insights I can definitely see where it will help to smooth interaction and expectation.

Ann Gaffigan at 10:42 on 10 Feb 2018

Great presentation with some really thought provoking background information and tips to apply that info. Thank you Nancy!

Very engaging talk! Nancy gave us a little bit of self-examination of our own personalities which always ends up insightful. This presentation was very fun and educational, the only drawback is that the rest of my company wasn't here to participate in the same talk!

Nancy Gaines (Speaker) at 11:00 on 10 Feb 2018

Thanks to everyone who attended this session! Remember ... it's all about implementing the amazing knowledge you obtained from this conference. If you have questions, I've love to chat: email: [email protected], Twitter: @NancyLGaines web: www.NancyGaines.com

Trent Harvey at 11:03 on 10 Feb 2018

Great concepts. Knowledgable and enthusiastic speaker. Fun audience involvement. A valuable talk that was enjoyable to hear. The only piece I think was left out was more guidance on real world application of the concepts presented. Some high level examples were provided but the audience was left to fill in the gaps on their own on how to leverage these ideas in the real world.

Sonny Savage at 14:32 on 10 Feb 2018

I will definitely be making use of what I learned to be a better communicator.

William Ibarra at 14:45 on 10 Feb 2018

I like the personality types and how understanding them eases communication between individuals. I also liked the productivity tips.

Pablo Benitez at 14:50 on 10 Feb 2018

Inspiring, 1 hour long that did not seem that like, really well paced. A lot of great tips shared to master communication with peers.

Jeff Madsen at 11:54 on 11 Feb 2018

I'll have to see if I can remember these tips the next time one of those entitled millennials start whining at me ;-)

Scott Hardie at 17:30 on 11 Feb 2018

Personally I didn't really care for the material presented, since it feels reductive to slot people into simple categories and treat them all like they're manipulable accordingly. That said, this was one of the most polished and well-delivered presentations of the conference; you are a talented speaker.

Ann Gaffigan at 07:48 on 12 Feb 2018

Organized and very helpful and applicable talk. Thank you Nancy! Excited to read your book.

Nic Steenhout at 12:11 on 12 Feb 2018

Topic very well presented and organized. I've read a lot about the topic of personality traits. The presentation remained in the general rather than the specific. To be fair it's next to impossible to dive into specifics in a short hour. That said, I think the information would have been very valuable for people attending, particularly those who hadn't been exposed to these concepts before.

Omni Adams at 17:14 on 14 Feb 2018

It's so easy for software developers to think because most of our job is about interacting with computers that we don't have to think about interacting with other people. Unfortunately, that's not the case in the real world, and without being able to converse *and be understood* by others your career will definitely improve slower than if you know how to talk to others.

I immediately thought of the differences between my communication preferences versus some of my coworkers, and what "color" their communication style might be.

This is another one of those talks that would be much more useful at the very beginning of your career. But at the beginning of your career you wouldn't yet have the experience to understand why it's important.

Good presentation and advices.