Want to build software that is more testable, easier to modify, and has fewer lines of code? Architecting with more immutable objects that are always in a valid state is the most important lesson I have learned in building better software applications. Using immutable value objects will lead to less checking, fewer bugs, more DRY code, and help avoid the “spooky action at a distance” problem in PHP. We will also learn how to use immutable objects and immutable collections to improve design of our mutable entities. Lastly, we’ll see how immutable objects and functional programming can reduce complexity.


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Best talk of the conference!

Viktor Espina at 00:00 on 12 Feb 2019

All of the PHP in this talk was excellent. But there was only 10-15 minutes worth of PHP and the other 45 minutes was beer brewing. This should have been a lightning talk with the beer removed.

Jeremy Mikola at 18:04 on 19 Feb 2019

The content had a logical progression and sticking to a theme (homebrewing in this case) made it easier to follow along from introductory to more complete examples closer to the end of the talk. There wasn't much as much discussion about functional programming as one might have expected from the abstract. That's not unexpected given that this was a PHP talk, but it did work against a climatic conclusion.