Many Git users tend to use Git as a save point, like in a video game; chronologically making checkpoint commits as they go. This spreads out changes to the same areas in the code over several commits, necessitates merging and resolving conflicts, and generally just making an incomprehensible jumble of your history. This talk makes a case for atomic commits and how to use them while only minimally affecting your workflow. Using pre-recorded demos, you'll learn how to properly interactively rebase, fix up, reset, bisect, and more. By the end of the talk, you'll have seen how this Git flow will make your life easier and how it will affect your ability to cherry pick, drop unwanted commits, and most importantly: not spend hours resolving conflicts in rebase hell. A little change in habits can go a very long way!


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ROBERT A GADON at 18:08 on 8 Feb 2020

Great talk! I'm an advanced beginner user of Git. You presented on more advanced features (for me) and demonstrated how to use them. I have an audio recording of the talk. I'll go back and listen again on the points you present. Be so kind as to post your slidedeck in order to better track you talk with the audio. Thanks!

Great talk!

Joshua Sampia at 10:02 on 9 Feb 2020

Excellent talk. Real world examples of why atomic commits work. New commands I never knew I needed. Styling guidelines I never knew I needed. So much to explore after this talk with great examples of each thing in the slide deck is always something I appreciate from a conference talk. Thank you, well done! Way to finish the last session strong.