Are you familiar with all the different testing that your application should consider?, are you lost and don't know where to start?, You want to include testing in your application, but what kind of testing?, where can you start?, In this talk you will learn about the different kind of test that you can apply to your application, staring from unit testing, integration testing, UI testing, etc. and the different tools and methodologies associated to them including PHPUnit, Behat, selenium, codeception, puppeteer, etc. At the end of this session you should be able to determine how to test your application the best way that fits your needs and that will give you the reliability you need to trust in your application.


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Joshua Sampia at 09:53 on 9 Feb 2020

Even though English is not your native language, I thought you spoke very well. I think I would have preferred less theory talk in the beginning and more examples of each of the type of testing that you went over. Even simple examples of how each tool for the different types would work would be great.