We all thought "building" stuff was something for the C and Java folk, right? We just "ShipIt", right? Well.. not anymore..

There's all kind of stuff going on before we're ready to roll, composer installs and npm installs and asset dumps and minifies and grunts and bowers and what-not's... Let's do some task automation with Phing.

• 19:00 - 19:20: Welcome with drinks & snacks
• 19:20 - 19:30: Intro by SweetlakePHP
• 19:30 - 20:30: Build that Phing! by Rick Kuipers
• 20:30 - 20:45: Break
• 20:45 - 21:30: Group discussion
• 21:30 - 21:45: Raffle, Announcements, Feedback
• 21:45 - ??:??: Networking and drinks

Talk: Build that Phing! by Rick Kuipers

PHPMD, PHPCS, PHPUnit and PHPLint; these are all tools to maintain code quality. Executing these tasks is a chore and there are many ways to automate this process, Phing being one of them. The goal of this talk is to really discover what Phing has to offer, from implementing code logic to creating your own task.

About Rick Kuipers (@rskuipers)

"After messing about with code for as long as I can remember I decided to make it my fulltime job which I've now been doing for 3 years. I'm interested in anything PHP related and have been delving myself into the community since 2013. I'm eager to learn more and ambitious about helping other developers."


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