Unit-testing a guide to writing clean, testable code that will be easy to maintain and extend


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Great content but too fast and too dry, difficult to absorb the material.

Very interesting material but with the high speed of going through all the material, it was something hard to follow everything. I would recommend slowing down a bit, giving the audience some time to parse all the information that is thrown at them.

Loads of great information. Not just on unit testing but just overall design patterns... but I think I will have to back through the slides on my own a few times to get it all to soak in! So much so fast!

Great tips for improving code quality. Best practices for tests appreciated.
Should use a more readable material though (dark on dark code examples are impossible to read).

Good talk about a deep topic. Felt a bit out of my league but I'm looking forward to reviewing the slides and letting it all sink in. Thanks!!

Good overview. I'm comfortable with testing, so most of the content was pretty familiar to me. I'd have liked to see more examples of how Symfony 2 will be tested (instead of how to test a logging tool), and how easy DI/IoC makes that (esp when compared to existing 1.x testing).

I haven't done much unit testing yet, so I found this presentation to be incredibly helpful and informative. Looking forward to studying the slides in detail when I get home :)

Good talk, will get me into giving TDD a go - something ive been reluctant to get started on due to lack of knowledge in the area.

The only issue was dark on dark text on the slides, but the talk was good. The speed of the presentation was fine, with the slides I can revisit the information when I have time.

Great talk. I really liked the links to additional resources at the end of the presentation.

Very good talk. Probably a bit fast for someone who isn't familiar with unit testing, but it's a big topic to cover in an hour. Bulat obviously knows what he's talking about, and answered questions well.

Great talk! Understandably a bit fast paced for those unfamiliar with some concepts presented.

Bulat really knows his stuff! great talk!