Working with the admin generator


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Good talk, could have used some more in-depth examples but nonetheless great content.
I will certainly take a look at the plugins mentioned in this talk.

good presentation. eloquent, relaxed and spiced with humour. a fresh breath.

Very entertaining - John, I think you were the best presenter of the day!

Picked up some great tips, thanks!

Great stuff very entertaining presentation on a potentially dry subject. Lots of fun insights into the grim realities of client IT

Very informative in content and I'd really like how John build the "story" of the talk to maintain high the interest of the attendees.

Definitely the best speaker so far.

Informative, based on experience, entertaining and helpful.
For me the best presentation so far.

Was impressed by the presentation and the speaker. Excellent work John. You made the whole subject really interesting.

great talk with concrete tips

He made me happy the admin generator!

nice and practical + some very useful tips/tricks revealed,
thanks for that!

Anonymous at 10:13 on 21 Feb 2010

Nice presentation, with great tips.
Also, best slide of the day ;) (elephant's picture at the beginning ;))

Loved the presentation. Will enjoy revisiting this topic on my next project.