In 2013 the "Symfony Plugin" for PhpStorm was born. Today we see over 1 million downloads and several other plugins for projects like Laravel, Drupal, Shopware, ... that help to improve your productivity. I will talk about Symfony related features and will give you some tips and tricks. Also, we take a look at the infrastructure behind these plugins and how I maintain all of them.


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Amrouche Hamza at 14:03 on 2 Dec 2016

Great talk, was maybe a little bit slow

Z at 14:05 on 2 Dec 2016

It looked like the speaker was talking in an other dimension. I couldn't read his sides. He talked with a very strong german accent

Anonymous at 14:05 on 2 Dec 2016

Great Guy !

From widop

Nice job on the plugin. It helps everybody a lot. Unfortunately presentation was quite basic. I've expected to learn some advanced u documented features of the plugin or best practices. In reality it was a list of basic capabilities.

Jens Hassler at 15:36 on 2 Dec 2016

Dein Plugin ist absolut genial, vielen Dank für die tolle Arbeit! Deine Arbeit hilft tausenden Entwicklern täglich. Das ist ein Riesenerfolg, auf den du verdammt stolz sein kannst. Das Ding ist bestimmt weit mehr wert als viele Open Source Projekte.

Am Vortrag solltest du aber noch etwas arbeiten, der war leider recht einschläfernd.

Keep up the good work!

The plugin is great, no doubt about that. It seemed that the speaker did not have that much experience in free speech. But as they say, practice makes perfect ;).

Cesar at 08:41 on 3 Dec 2016

Content was good, the presenter was not good, maybe he do not have experience as speakers.