Talk in English - US at SymfonyCon Lisbon 2018
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A 1 second delay on an e-commerce site can result in a 7% reduction in your conversion rate; but profiling isn't just important in e-commerce when limited resources are available. Profiling is really important and there are now a host of tools to help you profile your application through means other than naive profiling. In this talk we'll look at how to identify bottlenecks in your application using a variety of tools; and how we can use those profiler results to improve our Symfony applications' performance.
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It is a particular style of presenting that Michael showed that you have to like but I have great respect that he's able to keep your attention even if the whole room is waiting for a profiler to run.
Funny, charismatic speaker! Interesting talk on how to improve performance and how to find the bottlenecks.
Good introduction to profiling.
Super interesting talk. Also, the way of speaker interacts with an audience is awesome.