Italian SymfonyDay 2016. Goals of this event are to show best practices and high level case studies. This event is organised by PUG Roma with the help of GrUSP.

Friday 28th October 2016

10:05 Symfony e micro (non così tanto) servizi
Talk by Michele Orselli (30 minutes)

Symfony e micro (non così tanto) servizi

11:00 Scaling symfony apps
Talk by Matteo Moretti (45 minutes)

Scaling symfony apps

11:50 E-commerce con SF: dal case study alla realtà
Talk by Simone D'Amico (30 minutes)

E-commerce con SF: dal case study alla realtà

12:25 A journey into Symfony form component
Talk by Samuele Lilli (45 minutes)

A journey into Symfony form component

14:30 PHP7 e Rich Domain Model
Talk by Massimiliano Arione (30 minutes)

PHP7 e Rich Domain Model

15:05 Relevance sorting with Elasticsearch & a bit of maths
Talk by Matteo Dora (45 minutes)

Relevance sorting with Elasticsearch & a bit of maths

16:05 Command: the easy way
Talk by Antonino Carella (30 minutes)

Command: the easy way

16:40 ORM hero
Talk by Simone Di Maulo (45 minutes)

ORM hero