In this workshop we'll take a slice of a pretty standard PHP project and gradually work our way towards an application that has a better architecture. "Better" meaning that:

- It will be easy to find out what the uses cases of the application are ("screaming architecture")
- It will be easy to find a place for every piece of the application ("layers")
- It will be easy to find out how users and other systems can interact with it ("ports & adapters")
- It will be easy to provide tests and automated acceptance criteria for it ("the testing pyramid")

I'm sure you would like your project to have these properties! I'll show you all the little steps that will help you transform your application to this new level.


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i really liked the approach to viewing an alternative structuring of applications to get a very descriptive and understandable architecture

Cleared up a lot of questions I had.

Great presentation, as always. Can highly recommend!

Great Workshop that gave me a few new nice approaches to building scalable software. Enjoyed very much.

Stefan Blanke at 15:51 on 27 Oct 2018

Really good workshop with many good tips and tricks. Enjoyed the discussions between all attendees too.
Time was a bit limited when it came to the tests at the end but it is something to conquer on its own.

Matthias Noback (Speaker) at 08:46 on 30 Oct 2018

Thanks everyone for your comments!

Great workshop, though we did not finish all assignments