Reverse caching proxies: Varnish or Nginx?


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very interesting.

Good talk - learned a bunch of stuff about varnish which I've never used before (we use nginx all over the place in my environment)

You went *super* fast through slides and in speaking pace. I would suggest to slow down speaking and maybe cut down on the number of concepts you cover. I'm not new to the idea of a reverse proxy but I can imagine someone who is being really confused by the speed and breadth of the coverage.

Informative talk. A well explained comparison between Varnish and Nginx. Thanks!

Great talk, nice slides. Learned some cool tricks

Very great presentation! Do it again! :-)

Great information. I feel as though I would have had a better time if I had known more about nginx, Varnish, and caching in general before attending. I could see myself revisiting these slides in a few months as a resource.