Wielu z nas na co dzień tworzy testy. Często używamy do tego PHPUnit-a.
Ale czy robimy to dobrze? Co można ulepszyć, a czego unikać?
Przedstawię rekomendację "jak", skoro wszyscy wiemy "czy" ;)


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Great discusion during speach about controling code with annotations and why this is bad. As a constructive feedback: more informations about mutation testing (with code samples) would be 'nice to see' during speach.

The lecture was essential, supported by great experience of the speaker and his mature insights about PHPUnit.

Michał at 22:23 on 8 Jan 2018

Very interesting talk and lots of examples from real life. Got to know very useful tips about how to write valid unit tests.

Great talk. Many real-life examples, useful tips and surprising use of well-known tools (like php-cs-fixer). Talk started with some basic topics (maybe little too much time on that), but then it got really complex and interesting. Good job!

Marcin C at 16:00 on 15 Jan 2018

I am very pleased and grateful for this lecture. Very interesting lecture, which has discovered a new look at my tests, which allowed me to implement them in my work. I think the topic is so extensive, so I cant wait for the second part whit practical tips. I would see examples of it step by step, how to test and assert data, with emphasis on how to assert :)