Do your projects have an overwhelming amount of content types or fields? Are you collecting a lot of information and running into challenges presenting it all? Maybe you are having a hard time collecting data from your users? Let’s use React to help solve some of these challenges!

Don’t know what React is? We’ll cover that. Want to understand how it fits into Drupal land? Don’t worry, I got you covered! This session is designed to help you understand the basics of React and how it can help you (or your developer) build more effective Drupal sites.

We’ll explore some real world examples I’ve integrated into Drupal 8 (and even D7) so you can feel confident that this is something you can begin using in your current or next Drupal project.

Oh, and there will more than likely be churros….


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Paul Grotevant at 14:23 on 4 Jun 2017

No churros, but great content. Good job filling in for the original presenter!

Sebastian Nievas (Speaker) at 18:05 on 5 Jun 2017

Hey all! I am extremely sorry for not being able to attend, but as you saw, you were in excellent hands with the amazing Amory. I will make sure when we cross paths Paul to hook you up with an extra churro! :D