You introduced some interesting tools which I may consider using down the road. Because you had a decent grasp of the topic, I was wondering if you could provide more depth on it, and perhaps some more slides. The audience did well to fill in some of the blanks.
Very good talk, and nice coverage of Guard to kick off PHPUnit tests. Kept me engaged, and spoke very clearly and loud. Code on slides would be more readable and identifiable if a monospaced font were used. Would love to see this talk expanded to a full size talk, and perhaps incorporate some sort of demo.
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You introduced some interesting tools which I may consider using down the road. Because you had a decent grasp of the topic, I was wondering if you could provide more depth on it, and perhaps some more slides. The audience did well to fill in some of the blanks.
Very good talk, and nice coverage of Guard to kick off PHPUnit tests. Kept me engaged, and spoke very clearly and loud. Code on slides would be more readable and identifiable if a monospaced font were used. Would love to see this talk expanded to a full size talk, and perhaps incorporate some sort of demo.
Very good talk. Clear. Effective