How Silex and Cilex became the glue for a media transcoding application


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Enjoyed the talk. Nice to hear about reacting to changing business requirements, and even more so making arguably hard decisions to accommodate team (maintainer) requirements.

Clean presentation.

Thanks for reminding use not all the projects need mighty/powerful framework to do the job, and few php files' projects are also less headache for none (PHP) dev.

It was really nice to hear how a project morphed from a "simple" Cilex based CLI application into something more that required a little extra help from Silex and Twig. I appreciated the "less technical" approach as it focused more on decision making.

Excellent talk. We're working on a similar application for a large US-based TV network right now, and this could be very handy. Also, I'm a sucker for talks that allow us to commiserate about changing requirements etc. :D

Also was neat to see your "less is more" approach. I find that I often get bogged-down in the framework swamps of dagobah. Looks like Silex might be able to retrieve my x-wing.