Continuous Testing In PHP


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Anonymous at 12:01 on 8 Nov 2014

good material, well presented.

Great talk with some really good examples of how to actually do continuous testing. I love all the working examples as opposed to just talking about the concept. This is something you can go back and start integrating right away.

Anonymous at 12:03 on 8 Nov 2014

Well done.

What Eric covered is great. This is an important topic especially for people wanting to improve their quality of code and Eric did a good job of showing exactly how you can get started with continuous testing–and even other code quality tools–tomorrow when you get home.

I think Eric could expand this talk a bit to cover the time a little better by including some more information about why this is important, perhaps through anecdotes or examples of times these tools, and specifically these tools run continuously, has helped him and his team.

Overall it's a good talk and an important message.

I'm a strong believer in removing as much friction as possible in terms of running tests and coding standards tools. This talk provided huge amounts of information on how to achieve this. Eric does a great job of presenting the tools that he's using on a daily basis.

I'm definitely going to take the lessons I learned from Eric's talk and apply them to my daily development. I'm looking forward to setting up a Guardfile and getting started.