Talk in English - UK at unKonf 2019
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Do you need suits and an MBA to be a manager? Hint: You do not. Learn what it takes to successfully manage open-source projects of varying sizes each with their unique constraints - whether you're just getting started with open-source or whether you're already a successful contributor or maintainer.
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Super presentation, great vibe and energy from the speaker. An A+ from me.
Vielen Dank für diesen Vortrag. Als Nicht-Entwickler hat es mir einen super Einblick in Open Source gebracht!
Great talk which perfectly describes the challenges of creating and maintaining opensource software.
Very interesting for everyone, from users to contributors, maintainers, supporters, companies and employers.
Good talk on the general topic of starting and managing the growth of an OS project.... and I know that the energy was good; but please talk a little more slowly for the non-German speakers in the audience (I know that was basically just me)... my slow understanding of German left me about 5 sentences behind what you were saying
There were a lot to hear where I had to nod and agree on. This is one of those talks that would help consumers of open source to understand about maintaining a project. It is also a call for people to start a small open source project yourself.