Talk in English - UK at WebCamp Zagreb 2016 Track Name: Intercom Short URL: (QR-Code (opens in new window))
Making React part of something greater
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I expected more from this talk
The talk would have probably needed more time, the react part was a bit too fast. Pretty interesting the comparison betweeen Redux and Mobx
The talk should have had more time.
I really expected more from this talk, but also the subject needed much more time.
Totally agree that there is no way this can be presented well in short time. Seems interesting but some parts are simply superficial.
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I expected more from this talk
The talk would have probably needed more time, the react part was a bit too fast. Pretty interesting the comparison betweeen Redux and Mobx
The talk should have had more time.
I really expected more from this talk, but also the subject needed much more time.
Totally agree that there is no way this can be presented well in short time. Seems interesting but some parts are simply superficial.