Talk in English - UK at WebCamp Zagreb 2017 Track Name: Amphinicy track Short URL: (QR-Code (opens in new window))
Talking to machines, with an accent.
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Really relevant to the decision that will drive the development of technology in years to come. Might be a little bit confusing.
Interesting, well presented. Doesn’t provide a lot of takeaways.
Interesting dilemmas presented, but was a bit hard to keep track of as in it was a bit confusing to connect all the dots.
Interesting, could have gone into more detail.
good speaker, but nothing interesting in this topic
Nice presentation and really important topic. Lots of questions popped up in my head afterwards and I think that was what it was about. ?
Good and informative talk.
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Really relevant to the decision that will drive the development of technology in years to come. Might be a little bit confusing.
Interesting, well presented. Doesn’t provide a lot of takeaways.
Interesting dilemmas presented, but was a bit hard to keep track of as in it was a bit confusing to connect all the dots.
Interesting, could have gone into more detail.
good speaker, but nothing interesting in this topic
Nice presentation and really important topic. Lots of questions popped up in my head afterwards and I think that was what it was about. ?
Good and informative talk.