Talk in English - UK at WebCamp Zagreb 2017 Track Name: Trikoder track Short URL: (QR-Code (opens in new window))
Using NoSQL, Nginx, Python, Flask and brain power to deliver 2 petabytes of object storage.
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Kinda too basic to me
Nothing really interesting. Just a presentation of a server config.
Though an interesting topic I feel like the approach outlined in the talk was too simplistic and vague. The Q&A helped a lot with explaining the juicier bits of the topic at hand.
Had potential. Not very interesting. Just the size of the data is not enough of a selling point.
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Kinda too basic to me
Nothing really interesting. Just a presentation of a server config.
Though an interesting topic I feel like the approach outlined in the talk was too simplistic and vague. The Q&A helped a lot with explaining the juicier bits of the topic at hand.
Had potential. Not very interesting. Just the size of the data is not enough of a selling point.