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Great! Useful! Interesting!

Concise, fun, and insightful.

Ivan Čurić at 17:14 on 6 Oct 2018

Amazing talk, important stuff covered. Kudos for mentioning Cloudinary.

Useful and interesting. Great talk.

I spent 2 days with the speaker and heard half the talk before attending it.
Doug really nailed it. Even though I knew most talking points it was still interesting to watch and follow.
My only nitpick is that some icons and logos were a bit blurry.

Adnan Rahic at 19:05 on 7 Oct 2018

Very concise while also covering all the important key points. Doug was spot on! We were roommates and spent two days hanging out together. During that time we did indeed talk a lot about the subject. Considering this, and my pre-existing knowledge about the topic, Doug's talk was still fun, engaging and a pleasure to listen to!