What hacking Netflix can tell us about Browser APIs & the open web.
A deep dive into the world of Web Video behind paywalls.


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Excellent talk about how we got here with current video playback solutions on the Web. Nice case study with external Netflix player.

Great talk. Maybe the best speaker on first day

Miro Svrtan at 06:23 on 6 Oct 2018

I love the concept of 'how I hacked X and learnt a lot about the industry from it'! Talk was really great, I would just suggest to remove some of the text and bullet points from intro slides that are not neccessary as it makes it hard to follow you and read the slides at the same time.

Adnan Rahic at 09:40 on 6 Oct 2018

Lovely talk about personal experience with the browser video APIs. I learned a ton about the Netflix API and video streaming in general. Sebastian's touch of humor sprinkled across the presentation was superb, and made it a talk you would be sad to have missed.

An interesting talker, an interesting topic, kept my attention all the time.

Doug Sillars at 01:11 on 8 Oct 2018

Fascinating reverse engineering job. Loved all the DRM discussion on how devs protect video on the web.