Is Your App Ready For The (Hybrid) Cloud


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Nice talk. Good broad overview of the options available, considerations, pitfalls etc.

A nice clear introduction into the various cloud services available; how they can work together without resulting in vendor-lock-in; and an overview of common pitfalls, pros and cons.

I really liked this talk, how the speaker was really interacting with the audience and spoke with confidence and perfect timing - Nicely done!

Only thing is that people putting up their hand may not feel great talking, putting up a hand is easy, so if a person looks a bit shy or distant, you should probably take that into account - They may feel uncomfortable otherwise and that can completely ruin the experience.

Was expecting more of a "web operations" talk, but it ended up being a list of the services and tools available for setting up a cloud based infrastructure.
It failed to mention one of the big player on the cloud, Rackspace's (RackConnect's CloudServer and CloudFiles). Also failed to mention Chef, which I think has grown into something as big, or almost as big as Puppet.

Anonymous at 15:31 on 14 Apr 2012

I was hoping for more than this talk delivered. As others have said it ended up running through a couple of lists of things and I dont think I gained much from sitting through it.

Anonymous at 15:27 on 16 Apr 2012

Whilst there were parts of this talk I found informative and, as a whole, it gave me some ideas, I thought it started to wander a bit after a strong start. I think that some general design and implementation strategies to make better use of cloud services would have been better than the check box comparison of different cloud providers.